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The AMTA-Georgia Chapter Newsletter, Hands On Georgia is published three times annually.

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Deadline Issue
April 1st May
August 1st September
October 1st Nov/Dec
  Monthly Quarterly Yearly
Banner Ad $200 $300 $400
Business Card $125 $200 $275
Thumbnail $75 $125 $175

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ALL ADS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN A PRINT QUALITY (cymk 300 dpi) PDF or JPG format. Microsoft word and Publisher files are NOT acceptable. Save as a PDF. ALL photos submitted must be in a high resolution 300dpi JPG format. Set you digital camera to a higher resolution NOT 73 dpi. Text//copy must be in Microsoft Word only (PDF is OK). Photos must be in a jpg format. A PDF proof will be sent for your approval.

We reserve the right to alter accepted articles for grammar, syntax, space available, and relevance to the chapter and the profession of massage.