Check your email for the Spring 2023 Newsletter:

Presidents Message

Chapter Convention Report

Spring is here and there is a freshness in the air. As I am entering year two of my presidential term, I would like to give you some updates. Our Chapter Convention was held on February 17-19. You can view video segments of our annual meeting on our Facebook page.

Keynote speaker Donna Richards spoke on the benefits of massage therapy for people with autism. Vivian Davis gave the yearly financial report for the chapter and all is well.

Election results:

  • Board Member Shanese Armstrong Mark (Brookhaven)
  • Secretary Miranda Womack (Calhoun)
  • Delegate Sonia Gibson (Fayetteville)
  • Financial Administrator Michelle Hutcheson* (McDonough)

Continuing officers and delegates:

  • President Terri Barton (Rome)
  • Board Member Mary Leanna Loyd (Waycross)
  • Delegate Michelle Hutcheson (McDonough)

*When no one runs for office, the board elects an officer until the next election. Elected positions are elected by chapter members and serve a two-year term.

Please congratulate our 2023 Award Recipients:

  • Meritorius: Miranda Womack (Calhoun)
  • Distinguished Service: Terri Barton (Rome)
  • Humanitarian: Vivian Davis (Albany)
  • Member of the Year: Toni Roberts (Marietta)
  • Outstanding Committee Chair: Nathalie Gregory (Buckhead)
  • Outstanding Committee for GR: Shanese Armstrong Mark (Brookhaven)
  • President’s: Shanese Armstrong Mark (Brookhaven)

Awards are nominated by members, recommended by the awards committee, and approved by the board.

Committee Chairs were approved at our March 17-19 Board Training:

  • Communications Chair Nathalie Gregory
  • GR Chair Shanese Armstrong Mark
  • Financial Committee Chair Vivian Davis
  • Awards Chair David Pierre.

Chairs are appointed by the president and approved by the board for a term of one year.

Continuing Education Proposed Dates:

  • September 20-October 1, 2023: Hands-on, Warner Robbins
  • February 23-25, 2024: Chapter Convention, Lithia Springs including an ethics class
  • July 20-21, 2024: Hands-on, Columbus
  • September 28-29, 2024: Hands-on, Savannah

Please stay tuned for updates. Contact any chair or officer if you have any concerns or comments, or if you would like to join our volunteer team.

In June 2023, Shanese Armstrong Mark, Nathalie Gregory, and I will be attending training with National. The National office sends out surveys to the various BOD members asking what training we need in order to serve our chapters best. This year’s training will be pretty intense, and we look forward to learning all we can. A side note here please: if you have any questions regarding Government Relations please contact Shanese Armstrong Mark at

AMTA is 80 years old this year!!! 

Please celebrate with us on August 24-26 in Phoenix at our National Convention in Phoenix. !!!  I have never seen hotel rooms this cheap during convention, book yours now. If you are attending the convention look for an email from the chapter in August from the BOD, we will have a meet-up during the convention and we also want to make your experience the best that it can be!

“August 16, 1943 – Postgraduate class of the College of Swedish Massage in Chicago met in an open forum and decided to form a new professional association called the American Association of Masseurs and Masseuses (AAMM).  Basis of the pledge of membership was a commitment to service, ethical practice, and the massage therapy profession.” –AMTA Timeline

How do you volunteer with AMTA?

Simply reach out to us. In addition to elected and appointed positions, there are all kinds of ways to volunteer, being a door greater at the annual convention, working a phone tree, setting up a room, and reaching out to a committee to help out. National also seeks volunteers.

Be sure to check out AMTA by logging into your account. There are updates as to everything in which your organization is involved. Fill out the surveys that are sent to you, this is how change is made. AMTA is not an insurance organization, we are member-driven and we are here for you. If you have any questions or want to help please contact me and I will lead you in the right direction.

I want to thank each and every one of you for helping the Georgia Chapter to be the best we can be, Hand in Hand together we lead the way!

Health, Happiness, and Well-being,

Terri Barton, LMT, Ph.D., MT000262

President AMTA Georgia Chapter
