Elected Volunteers

Elected Volunteers

Elected Volunteers are elected by chapter members through online elections leading up to the annual meeting or by board members when there is a vacancy outside the regular election window.

Board Member

Stepping up to elected office allows you a bigger role in the future of our profession. Board members plan, delegate responsibilities, and vote for actions, and policies, and expenditures. The following positions are elected for two year terms. Sometimes vacant seats become available and the Board elects a replacement to fill in until the next chapter-wide election.

The chapter board of directors consists of:

  • President
  • Financial Administrator
  • Two Board Members
  • Secretary

Members of the chapter board of directors serve two-year terms.


The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is a group of elected chapter members knowledgeable in AMTA culture whose purpose is to provide input on items of interest for the association as it relates/impacts their state, as outlined in policy. Those items can either be a position statement idea, or discussion topics related to AMTA policy and culture.  They meet online and at the AMTA National Convention.  Your chapter delegates represent you as a chapter member by canvassing you for your opinions on these issues.  Georgia will be sending two delegates. Delegates are elected by the chapter and serve a two-year term. We currently elect two delegates to the AOD.

Delegates serve two-year terms.


Elections are held every year, usually in February, for two year terms as follows.  Click on the position for eligibility requirements:

Even years:

Odd years:

Click on the position above for more information about these elected positons.

Additional positions may be elected to either fill vacant positions or positions elected by the board between elections.  They serve one year, until the end of the regular term.

The next online election cycle will begin with a Call for Candidates in December for online elections early next year. The chapter board consists of a president, two board members, a secretary and a financial administrator. The chapter also elects two delegates to the Assembly of Delegates (one for a one year term, and one for a two year term). Chapter board terms are two years and you may click on the positions below to read the position description and eligibility requirements:


  • AMTA Professional Member in good standing, including Graduate Member.
  • Signed the Chapter Code of Conduct (CoC) if applying for Board position.
  • Signed the Delegate Code of Conduct if applying for delegate position.
  • Have been an AMTA Professional member for at least one year.
  • Meet any additional requirements indicated in the position description.

Suggested Qualifications

  • Have access to a computer, phone & Internet.
  • Can travel for volunteer activities if required.
  • Can allocate the time required to fulfill responsibilities of the position.
  • Can commit to serving the entire term of the position to which I’m applying.

Click on the position to read position descriptions, paying close attention to the eligibility requirements. Open positions and positions elected by the chapter board will also run for the remainder of their terms. You may apply for only one board position and/or one delegate position.

If you are interested in running for a position:

  • Read the qualifications.
  • Contact the current officer to get an idea of their experiences.
  • Watch your newsletter and website for the Call for Candidates.  Follow the directions to become a candidates.
  • Elections are usually held in February or March.
  • New officers will be announced at the Annual Meeting.